
Vitec Raisoft's experts help you succeed

Training is an important part of our business. In many countries training is provided by our partners. Our goal is to help you interpret and utilize the information in our software to provide top-notch services to your clients as well as build your own professional skills.

Training is offered for all types of professionals, front-line clinical staff, chief nurses and physicians, quality managers, and administrators. 

For example:

- Administrative and basic functions
- Customizing reports, care plan templates, etc.
- Using tools for quality improvement
- Performing interRAI assessments
- Reading status and outcome measures

The Vitec Raisoft experts are there to help you succeed using extensively and effectively. Our specialists have extensive interRAI experience. We offer in-person training and on-line trainings according to customers’ needs.

We are here for You

Ask more about us and our products.

Vincent Gleviczky

Chief Customer Officer

+358 45 859 0773

Lawrence Smith

Area Manager

+358 40 663 4650

Stella Pon-Onnela

Area Manager

+358 400 50 6749