The RAIsoft.net product offers extensive features for data collection and reporting. Clinicians and managers all have access to real-time information for effective decision-making.
With add-on modules and options for EHR integrations, the solution brings documentation and information sharing to a new level. The versatile admin tool is the powerhouse of the solution. The RAIsoft.net will help you to provide top-notch services for vulnerable persons allocating resources efficiently. RAIsoft.net complies with the highest quality and data security standards with proven international certificates.
Our RAIsoft.net software solution is available to users as a SaaS (Software as a Service) cloud service over the internet. Users only need a computer, an internet connection and a compatible browser. The service package includes servers, maintenance, support, software upgrades and data backups.
Partnerships are vital. The RAIsoft.net software solution can be integrated with any Electronic Health Record (EHR). Comprehensive integrations with the most commonly used systems are already in place, and new ones are built as needed.